Shopping Cart

R180.00 ZAR
Plugins & Updates
Once a month plugin and theme updates
Wordpress Core Updates
R300.00 ZAR
Basic Maintenance
Core updates
Plugin updates
Compatibility checks - weekly
Bi-monthly site backups
Brute force protection against malware
Up to 20 edits per month
Up to 2 page addons
Monday - Friday support
No E-commerce Management
1 Site
R500.00 ZAR
Gold Maintenance
Monday - Friday
Website Changes & Edits
Store Management - up to 40 Product edits/uploads per month
Monthly Backups
1 Site
R700.00 ZAR
Pro Maintenance
Monday - Friday
Website Changes & Edits
Store Management + up to 60 Product edits/uploads per month
Weekly Backups
2 Sites
R1,500.00 ZAR
Master Maintenance
Monday - Saturday
Website Changes & Edits
Store Management - Up to 120 product edits/uploads per month
Weekly Backups
2 Sites